When reporting in a paper PGI results for a set of target phenotypes that are both continuous and binary we would have two different metrics of prediction performance (incremental-R2 and nagelkerke-pseudoR2, respectively).
If we want to report the PGI results for all these phenotypes within one figure, my questions are:
- Is there an overall term that englobes both metrics (i.e. for the Y axis of such plot)?
- Is it even a good idea to combine different metrics in one plot, with this I mean, are these two metrics comparable? Or should we report instead a different metric that is neither incremental-R2 nor nagelkerke-pseudoR2?
- I have also seen in some papers other metrics such as McFadden’s R2, is there a preference to report a specific metric over the other? Do you know of any blog or paper that further explains these different types of prediction performance metrics in PGI analyses.